About PRMs

Patient Report­ed Mea­sures (PRMs) give patients a greater say in their care. PRMs cap­ture patients’ per­spec­tives of their own health and expe­ri­ences to improve their health out­comes and qual­i­ty of care.

PRMs can be bro­ken down into two categories:

Patient-Report­ed Out­come Mea­sures (PROMS)

PROMs cap­ture the patien­t’s per­spec­tives about how ill­ness or care impacts on their health and well­be­ing. Patients are sur­veyed on their qual­i­ty of life, dai­ly func­tion­ing, symp­toms, men­tal and emo­tion­al well­be­ing, and oth­er aspects of their health – out­comes that mat­ter most.

PROMS can show the impact of a spe­cif­ic treat­ment when sur­vey results are com­pared before and after, or they can be used to show gen­er­al changes in a person’s health out­comes over time.

Patient-Report­ed Expe­ri­ence Mea­sures (PREMS)

PREMs cap­ture the patient’s expe­ri­ence of the health ser­vices they receive, such as acces­si­bil­i­ty, the phys­i­cal envi­ron­ment, and aspects of their inter­ac­tions with clinicians.


PRMs help us to under­stand and eval­u­ate fac­tors that influ­ence indi­vid­u­als’ health out­comes, and help us make deci­sions at a ser­vice lev­el to improve out­comes for whole populations.

Ben­e­fits of PRMs include:

  • Bet­ter deci­sion mak­ing – ensur­ing that patients and clin­i­cians have all the infor­ma­tion they need to make the best deci­sions together
  • Con­tin­u­ous qual­i­ty improve­ment – look­ing at out­comes and expe­ri­ences for groups of patients to see how we’re doing at a ser­vice lev­el and iden­ti­fy­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for improvement
  • Val­ue-based care – being able to plan ser­vices at a pop­u­la­tion lev­el based on what mat­ters most to patients.

PRMs are an impor­tant com­po­nent of under­stand­ing if we’re tru­ly deliv­er­ing excel­lent healthcare.

About the Statewide PRMs Program

We are imple­ment­ing a stan­dard­ised approach to enable the sys­tem­at­ic col­lec­tion, analy­sis and report­ing of PROMs and PREMs to clin­i­cians so they can pro­vide the best care to patients.

We held a work­shop in 2020 with key stake­hold­ers to decide on the vision, prin­ci­ples and enablers for the Statewide PRMs Program.

What peo­ple asked for:

PRMs Vision and Principles

More infor­ma­tion

Check out resources on the research around PRMs and their effec­tive­ness, and a list of val­i­dat­ed patient sur­veys to help you improve your ser­vice. Check out the resources.

To receive email updates on the PRMs pro­gram, see stay informed.

For fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions, see our FAQs.

Have a ques­tion or would like more infor­ma­tion about PRMS, con­nect with us.