Our Work

The CEIH and SA Health have part­nered with The Clin­i­cian to imple­ment a dig­i­tal solu­tion for the statewide col­lec­tion and report­ing of patient report­ed measures.

The PRM Pro­gram lever­ages The Clinician’s ZEDOC solu­tion which sup­ports SA Health to deliv­er patient-cen­tred, val­ue-based health­care through the real-time dig­i­tal col­lec­tion and report­ing of patient report­ed out­come mea­sures (PROMs) and patient report­ed expe­ri­ence mea­sures (PREMs).

This valu­able data empow­ers clin­i­cians to tai­lor care plans to indi­vid­ual patient needs and gain a rich under­stand­ing of patient report­ed expe­ri­ences, ulti­mate­ly lead­ing to improved health outcomes. 

Imple­ment­ed Ser­vices

The PRM Pro­gram has offi­cial­ly launched in South Aus­tralia. The ser­vices imple­ment­ing PRMs in ZEDOC are: 

Local Health Net­work


PRM Instru­ment


Radi­a­tion Oncology

NCCN Dis­tress Ther­mome­ter and Prob­lem List (PROM)​

Ther­a­nos­tics Ser­vice (SAMI)​

QLQ-C30 & GI.NET21 (PROM)​



Pal­lia­tive Care

Bureau of Health Infor­ma­tion (BHI) ques­tion set includ­ing 2 ques­tions from con­sid­eR­ATE (PREM)​


Plas­tic & Recon­struc­tive Surgery


Breast Endocrine Surgery Unit​(Oncol­o­gy)

NCCN Dis­tress Ther­mome­ter and Prob­lem List (PROM)​

Patient Experience​

SAHIS incor­po­rat­ing the AHPE­QS (PREM)​

Car­dio­tho­racic Surgery


PRE­PARES project (SA Remote Symp­tom Mon­i­tor­ing for Can­cer Treat­ment – Pilot) – MRFF 



Pal­lia­tive Care

Bureau of Health Infor­ma­tion (BHI) ques­tion set includ­ing 2 ques­tions from con­sid­eR­ATE (PREM)​


Con­sumer Expe­ri­ence Team

WCHN Feed­back Cir­cle (PREM)​


Allied Health​

Allied Health Patient Expe­ri­ence Sur­vey & Pae­di­atric Allied Health Patient Expe­ri­ence Sur­vey (PREM)​


SA Remote Symp­tom Mon­i­tor­ing – Can­cer Treatment

BASCH Pro Tect (PROM)​

The CEIH is delight­ed to share the progress of Imple­men­ta­tion of the statewide Patient Report­ed Mea­sures (PRM) Pro­gram. To date over 135,000 patients have been invit­ed to par­tic­i­pate in the col­lec­tion of PRMs. The PRM team are work­ing hard with clin­i­cal teams, con­tin­u­ing to grow the live site user base.

Sev­er­al oth­er clin­i­cal ser­vices, includ­ing SA Den­tal, YNL­HN Inpa­tient Reha­bil­i­ta­tion PREM, CALHN’s Cen­tre for Treat­ment of Anx­i­ety and Depres­sion PROMs, and SAL­HN Men­tal Health PREM, are in advanced stages of prepa­ra­tion for go-live, with many more planned imple­men­ta­tions underway.

Check the News sec­tion for sto­ries about our imple­ment­ed services.

Future imple­ment­ing ser­vices are being iden­ti­fied in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Local Health Net­works and Statewide Services.

Ser­vices that are inter­est­ed in imple­ment­ing dig­i­tal col­lec­tion of Patient Report­ed Mea­sures are encour­aged to con­tact the PRMs Pro­gram for more information.

Radi­a­tion Oncol­o­gy ser­vice at the Roy­al Ade­laide Hospital

Radiation Oncology service at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (Marc.png)

The Zedoc plat­form is patient cen­tred and has allowed us to send sur­veys to patients before they attend their ini­tial appoint­ment with­in the radi­a­tion oncol­o­gy depart­ment. These sur­veys can be com­plet­ed by the patient in the com­fort of their home. We are then able to fol­low up with the patient and address any con­cerns raised. This helps to stream­line the patient expe­ri­ence dur­ing the plan­ning phase. Cap­tur­ing dis­tress screen­ing before the patients plan­ning scan enhances patient flow through the area and the patients are less dis­tressed when they attend their ini­tial appoint­ment, because they have already had an ini­tial point of con­tact to address their issues’. 

PRMs Gener­ic PROM Selection

The PRM Pro­gram Board endorsed the for­ma­tion of a Gener­ic PROM Sub­com­mit­tee in 2022 to pro­vide a rec­om­men­da­tion to the Board of a gener­ic PROM for adop­tion and use in South Australia’s pub­lic health sys­tem (SA Health). The Sub­com­mit­tee was con­vened in March 2023.

Fol­low­ing a short­list­ing process, con­sumer pref­er­enc­ing and clin­i­cian feed­back, the PROMIS-29 was select­ed as the pre­ferred gener­ic PROM for use by South Aus­tralian clin­i­cal services.

Gener­ic PROM Selec­tion Report (PDF6MB)

Gener­ic PROM – Intend­ed Use

To achieve sys­tem lev­el impacts of the usage of a gener­ic PROM, the rec­om­mend­ed tool/​s will need broad uptake across the South Aus­tralian health sys­tem. The Statewide PRMs Pro­gram will sup­port the uptake of the PROMIS-29 by:

  • Under­tak­ing a pro­gram of edu­ca­tion around val­ues based health­care and the use of PRMs through­out SA Health services
  • Rec­om­mend the PROMIS-29 to clin­i­cal ser­vices, in addi­tion to condition/​cohort spe­cif­ic tools
  • Lim­it the usage of oth­er gener­ic PROMs with­in the ZEDOC solu­tion unless usage is clin­i­cal­ly jus­ti­fied and sup­port­ed by the PRM gov­er­nance group.