Gabrielle Cehic
Associate Professor
Affiliation: SA Health-South Australia Medical Imaging (SAMI), University Of South Australia.
Gabby is a Nuclear Medicine Physician/Oncologist and Clinical Lead South Australian PRRT Service.
Q&A with Gabby
What interested you about patient reported measures research and/or projects?
As a Medical Oncologist, I have always had an interest in ensuring we balance the benefits of therapy against toxicity so that we can ensure patients live their best lives.
The use of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) has empowered our patients to honestly and completely describe a range of symptoms that impact their quality of life in ways we never fully appreciated.
In a time poor clinic, when patients are likely to downplay their symptoms, and clinicians may not want to hear those symptoms, PROMs provide an opportunity for patients to more completely voice the impacts of the disease and treatment on their life and allowing the clinician the best opportunity to address same.
What is your biggest achievement in relation to patient reported measures research, or the application of research into practice?
At a state level, our biggest achievement has been the Implementation of a data registry for patients with Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) who receive Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy, (PRRT). Included in this registry is an online survey tool for the digital entry of specific validated PROMs ‑EORTC QLQ 30 (general cancer PROM) and GiNET 21 (disease specific PROM).
We are indebted to both The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) and CALHN Ethics – the sponsors of REDCAp™ ( Research Electronic Data Capture) — for funding and supporting this registry.
How do you approach collaboration with consumers, carers and community? Or how do think we can work together to keep making advancements in this space?
I believe that collaboration and co-design with consumers is crucial in designing pathways. At TQEH we partner with consumers and carers on a regular basis by involving them in all aspects of their treatment planning and delivery. For example in the process of implementing our digital PROMs tool ‚we formed a consumer group that advised us on a process for those that did not feel confident dealing with electronic entry of data. We thus maintained an alternate analogue pathway to ensure an inclusive process for all our patients to report their PROMs.
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View other profiles in the PRMs Collaborative Conversation Series.