PRMs Collaborative Conversation Series - Samantha Welke

Samantha Welke

Saman­tha Welke
Project Man­ag­er

Affil­i­a­tion: Cen­tral Ade­laide Local Health Network

Saman­tha is a project man­ag­er at Cen­tral North­ern Ade­laide Renal & Trans­plant Ser­vice (CNARTS). She has pro­vid­ed a snap­shot of the project on behalf of her team which includes; Dr Shilpan­jali Jesu­da­son (Prin­ci­ple Inves­ti­ga­tor and research super­vi­sor) and Gor­jana Rad­sic (Research Officer).

Q&A with Samantha

What inter­est­ed you about patient report­ed mea­sures research and PRMs projects?

PRMs are inte­gral to con­sumer focussed ser­vice deliv­ery. They assist and direct clin­i­cians and health ser­vice man­agers in how to devel­op ser­vice mod­els which best meet patient needs and achieve the best health­care out­comes. PRMs pro­vides a con­sis­tent and com­par­a­tive source of infor­ma­tion about how the ser­vice is improv­ing over time and can be co-designed to pro­vide an impor­tant avenue for hear­ing the needs of under-rep­re­sent­ed con­sumer groups.

What is your biggest achieve­ment in rela­tion to patient report­ed mea­sures research, or the appli­ca­tion of research into practice?

The pro­gres­sion towards kid­ney fail­ure can be a medi­al­ly and psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly tur­bu­lent peri­od. The opti­mal path­way for patients includes indi­vid­u­alised and spe­cialised ter­tiary care with con­sis­tent pri­ma­ry care, for holis­tic coor­di­nat­ed care and sup­port. How­ev­er, more than 50% of CNARTS patients com­mence dial­y­sis unplanned, dur­ing a stress­ful emer­gency hos­pi­tal admission. 

In 2022 CNARTS under­took 75 one-to-one inter­views with stake­hold­ers, includ­ing 27 patients, to col­lect data on the con­sumer expe­ri­ence and jour­ney through CNARTS ser­vices; fol­lowed by anoth­er con­sumer feed­back sur­vey of 58 patients about engage­ment with pri­ma­ry care in the pre and post com­mence­ment of dial­y­sis phas­es of care. The rich qual­i­ta­tive data col­lect­ed revealed the need for improved con­sis­ten­cy in patient sup­port, edu­ca­tion and empow­er­ment and improved GP/​primary care collaboration. 

Apply­ing research trans­la­tion, CNARTS imple­ment­ed a range of ser­vice mod­el changes and devel­op­ments to improve pri­ma­ry – ter­tiary care inte­gra­tion and the patient expe­ri­ence. This includes the co-designed, indi­vid­u­alised, edu­ca­tion­al resource for patients: The Prepar­ing for Dial­y­sis Toolk­it and a patient report­ed expe­ri­ence mea­sures for patients who have recent­ly com­menced dial­y­sis. A num­ber of oth­er projects are planned for the appli­ca­tion of research into practice. 

Oth­er impor­tant work under­way in the Cen­tral North­ern Ade­laide Renal & Trans­plan­ta­tion Ser­vice includes devel­op­ment of a Mea­sur­ing Nee­dle Fear Tool (MNF) and a con­di­tion spe­cif­ic patient out­come mea­sure (PROM) for patients who are com­menc­ing haemodial­y­sis. The tool will assist patients and clin­i­cians in iden­ti­fy­ing risks for nee­dle fear and allow sup­ports and strate­gies to be offered before the start of dial­y­sis, with a patient mea­sure of the effec­tive­ness of these strate­gies and sup­ports. This spe­cif­ic research project is led by Gor­jana Radsic

For more infor­ma­tion about this project, con­tact gorjana.​radisic@​sa.​gov.​au.

How do you approach col­lab­o­ra­tion with con­sumers, car­ers and com­mu­ni­ty? Or how do think we can work togeth­er to keep mak­ing advance­ments in this space?

With a focus on engag­ing the clin­i­cal team and con­sumers, I look for ways to increase the patient voice, and how this can be suc­cess­ful­ly trans­lat­ed in to ser­vice deliv­ery. In co-design with CNARTS con­sumers and clin­i­cians, a new PRMs sur­vey for patients who have recent­ly com­menced dial­y­sis treat­ment was devel­oped and imple­ment­ed in late July 2022

The key dri­ver for the new PRMs is con­sumer eval­u­a­tion of the Dial­y­sis New Start Pro­gram. The PRMs sur­vey will con­tin­ue to be devel­oped to ensure that the PRMs are most rel­e­vant to con­sumers, and that it is embed­ded in ser­vice deliv­ery and acces­si­ble to all con­sumers. Some of CNARTS con­sumers have now become co-inves­ti­ga­tors in cur­rent research, empow­ered and turn­ing their lived expe­ri­ence into action to ben­e­fit others.

Con­tact Samantha

View oth­er pro­files in the PRMs Col­lab­o­ra­tive Con­ver­sa­tion Series.