The official launch of the Patient Reported Measures (PRMs) Research Collaborative was marked by the inaugural PRMs Research Symposium event on 18 March 2022 at SAHMRI (South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute) and broadcast to a virtual audience.
The true highlight of the Symposium was the work of our researchers and research teams; seven presenters provided insightful recommendations to support the continued efforts to implement and embed patient reported measures across healthcare in SA. Emphasising the vast depth of knowledge within our research and clinical community, both locally and nationally, that can enable and strengthen the applied translation of patient reported measures into clinical practice.
From sharing knowledge on tools available to measure what matters most to patients, through to how to embed information into routine practice. It drew attention to the importance of how clinicians can respond to information collected to ensure improvements in the health and quality of life for consumers of healthcare.
The Patient Reported Measures Research Collaborative is made available by the Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health and Health Translation SA.
The Collaborative’s success is directed by the active participation and contribution of its members.