HTSA MRFF Catalyst Grant Scheme to help South Australian researchers get their projects off the ground

HTSA MRFF Catalyst Grant Scheme to help South Australian researchers get their projects off the ground image Published 6 June 2023

In part­ner­ship with The Hos­pi­tal Research Foun­da­tion Group and the Women’s & Children’s Hos­pi­tal Foun­da­tion, Health Trans­la­tion SA (HTSA) is admin­is­ter­ing the HTSA Med­ical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Cat­a­lyst Grant Scheme (Cat­a­lyst).

The Cat­a­lyst pro­vides tar­get­ed fund­ing to devel­op a pipeline of col­lab­o­ra­tive research projects under­tak­en by teams with mem­bers from at least 2 health ser­vices organ­i­sa­tions and at least 2 aca­d­e­m­ic research organisations/​health and med­ical research insti­tutes that address health ser­vice needs in South Australia. 

This scheme focus­es South Aus­tralian effort around the MRFF’s Prin­ci­ples and Pri­or­i­ties to ulti­mate­ly increase SA’s suc­cess at win­ning MRFF funding. 

To learn more and apply, vis­it the HTSA web­site.