Our Statewide PRMs Program reaches its 1000th patient milestone officially launching across 3 LHNs

Our Statewide PRMs Program reaches its 1000th patient milestone officially launching across 3 LHNs image Published 8 March 2024

We’re thrilled to achieve a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone in our Patient Report­ed Mea­sures (PRMs) pro­gram, with over 1,000 patients now par­tic­i­pat­ing. This inno­v­a­tive pro­gram empow­ers patients to have a greater say in their health­care by pro­vid­ing feed­back on their expe­ri­ences and health out­comes, dig­i­tal­ly and in real-time.

The PRMs pro­gram has offi­cial­ly launched across three Local Health Net­works (LHNs) in South Aus­tralia for the fol­low­ing services:

  • CAL­HN (Cen­tral Ade­laide Local Health Net­work): The South Aus­tralian Med­ical Imag­ing (SAMI) Nuclear Med­i­cine Ther­a­nos­tics Ser­vice at The Queen Eliz­a­beth Hos­pi­tal (TQEH) and the Radi­a­tion Oncol­o­gy Depart­ment at the Roy­al Ade­laide Hos­pi­tal (RAH).
  • SAL­HN (South­ern Ade­laide Local Health Net­work): The Breast Sur­gi­cal Unit at Flinders Med­ical Centre.
  • WCHN (Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Health Net­work): The Con­sumer Expe­ri­ence Sur­vey at the Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Hospital.

The pro­gram lever­ages The Clin­i­cian’s ZEDOC solu­tion which sup­ports SA Health to deliv­er patient-cen­tred, val­ue-based health­care through the real-time dig­i­tal col­lec­tion and analy­sis of patient report­ed out­come mea­sures (PROMs) and patient report­ed expe­ri­ence mea­sures (PREMs).

This valu­able data empow­ers clin­i­cians to tai­lor care plans to indi­vid­ual patient needs and gain a rich under­stand­ing of patient report­ed expe­ri­ences ulti­mate­ly lead­ing to improved health outcomes.

Reach­ing this mile­stone of 1,000 patients is a tes­ta­ment to the com­mit­ment of our health­care pro­fes­sion­als and patients across South Aus­tralia,” said Megan Scott, PRM Pro­gram Direc­tor. The PRMs pro­gram, with the sup­port of The Clin­i­cians ZEDOC solu­tion, fos­ters a col­lab­o­ra­tive approach to health­care, ensur­ing patients have a voice and clin­i­cians can deliv­er the best pos­si­ble care.”

Stage 2 & 3 imple­ment­ing ser­vices are cur­rent­ly being iden­ti­fied across mul­ti­ple Local Health Net­works with planned imple­men­ta­tion dates for these stages occur­ring dur­ing 2024. Ser­vices which would like to par­tic­i­pate are encour­aged to con­tact the PRMs Pro­gram for more information.